Wuxi Xingyi Intelligent Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd. Annual Production of 15 sets of


Wuxi Xingyi Intelligent Environment Protection Equipment Co., Ltd intends to invest 5 million yuan in the annual production of 15 sets of intelligent oxidation equipment projects at No. 9 Loutang South Bridge West Road, Qianqiao Street, Huishan District, Wuxi City. In accordance with the relevant requirements of the Measures for Public Participation in Environmental Impact Assessment (Decree No. 4 of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment), the relevant situation of the environmental impact assessment of this project is now publicized for the second time.

I. Brief description of construction projects

Project Name: 15 sets of intelligent oxidation equipment projects annually;

Construction unit: Wuxi Xingyi Intelligent Environment Protection Equipment Co., Ltd

Industry classification: C3599 other special equipment manufacturing;

Constructive quality: renovation and expansion;

Location of construction: No. 9 Lotus Pond South Bridge West Road, Qianqiao Street, Huishan District;

Coverage: 25693.3 square meters (relying on existing plant);

Investment amount: 5 million RMB;

Number of employees: There are 150 employees in the enterprise, and 10 new employees are added in this expansion project.

Work system: 300 days a year, the implementation of a single-shift work system, each class working hours for 8 hours.

2. Summary of possible environmental impacts of construction projects and countermeasures and measures for preventing or mitigating adverse environmental impacts

(1) Exhaust gas

Organized exhaust gas generated by this project mainly includes exhaust gas from the spray-drying integrated room and the plastic powder drying exhaust gas. The exhaust gas from the spray-drying integrated room is collected under the closed negative pressure of the workshop. After pre-filtration by cotton filter, the exhaust gas from the spray-drying integrated room and the plastic powder drying exhaust gas are absorbed/desorbed by the secondary polymer material and discharged by the catalytic combustion device through a 25m high exhaust cylinder, and the natural gas combustion tail The gas is discharged directly through a 25m high exhaust cylinder. Welding fume is collected and treated by mobile welding fume purifier and discharged in workshop. Plastic welding fume is collected by gas collector and discharged in workshop after activated carbon treatment. Blasting fume is collected by gas collector and discharged in workshop after treatment by filter core dust collector. Plastic spraying fume is collected by closed negative pressure in workshop and discharged by filter core dust collector. Discharge in the workshop after treatment.

(2) Wastewater

The main waste water produced by this project is domestic sewage. After the domestic sewage is treated in the septic tank, it will be taken over to Wuxi Qianhui sewage treatment Co., Ltd. for centralized treatment.

(3) Noise

The noise during the operation period of the project is mainly the production noise of mechanical equipment. The main noise sources are machining equipment, fan, air compressor, etc. The noise value is between 75 and 85 dB (A). The control measures to be taken by noise pollution sources are as follows: the production equipment is set in the workshop, the layout of the workshop is rationally optimized, the high noise equipment is as far away from the factory boundary as possible, and the noise reduction is achieved by long-distance attenuation; the high noise equipment is equipped with mufflers and cushions; the scientific management should be strengthened in daily production. Maintain the normal operation of all kinds of machinery and equipment, reduce the noise of equipment failure; strengthen the greening of plant boundaries, further reduce the impact of noise.

(4) Solid waste

Solid waste generated by this project includes industrial solid waste and domestic waste. Industrial solid waste includes waste corners, welding slag, dust collector, waste cutting fluid, waste engine oil, paint residue, waste filter cotton, waste adsorption material, waste activated carbon, waste cleaning agent, waste packaging barrel, waste catalyst, etc. Among them, the disposal of hazardous waste is entrusted by qualified units, and the solid waste is generally recycled or disposed rationally; domestic waste is cleared, transported and landfilled by the environmental sanitation department.


All kinds of pollutants produced by construction projects can meet the discharge standards after taking effective control measures, and can meet the requirements of regional total amount control. After the project is put into operation, it will not bring adverse effects on the environment of the area under the normal operation and management conditions. On the basis of earnestly and strictly implementing the pollution prevention and control measures proposed in this report, the construction of this project is feasible from the perspective of environmental protection.

Construction units should further strengthen cooperation with scientific research institutions and paint suppliers to develop and apply environmentally friendly paints, strive to complete the replacement work of low VOCs content paints as soon as possible, and reduce the use and emission of VOCs from the source, so as to conform to the special action program of "two reductions, six treatments and three improvements" in Jiangsu Province and Wuxi City. The implementation plan of Jiangsu Province's three-year action plan for winning the Blue Sky Defense War and the Comprehensive Treatment Plan for Volatile Organic Compounds in Key Industries are the national and local environmental protection policies.

Internet Links to the Full Text of the Environmental Impact Statement and Ways and Means of Referring to the Paper Report

Within 10 working days from the date of publication, the public can log on the website of Wuxi Xingyi Intelligent Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd. and consult the electronic version of the draft of the EIA report. If the public needs to consult the draft of the paper EIA report or the project public needs additional information, they can contact the contact person.

V. Public sphere for Soliciting Opinions

Any unit or individual with environmental protection interests in this project.

VI. Public opinion sheet

The public opinion form is detailed in the annex.

6. The Way, Way and Start-stop Time of Public Opinions

If you have any comments and opinions on the project, please submit the completed public opinion form to the construction unit by letter, fax and e-mail within ten working days from the date of publication.

Contact information

(1) Information of Construction Units

Construction Unit: Wuxi Xingyi Intelligent Environmental Protection Equipment Co., Ltd.

Contact person: General Xu

Contact number: 0510-83292999

E-MAIL: xumiao@xenyi.com

Address: No. 9 Lotus Pond South Bridge West Road, Qianqiao Street, Huishan District, Wuxi City

(2) Information of the preparation units of environmental impact reports

Environmental Assessment Unit: Nanjing Guohuan Science and Technology Co., Ltd.

Contacts: Summer Workers

Tel: 025-86773179

Fax: 025-85287132

E-MAIL: 2993809971@qq.com

Communication Address: Flowers in Xuanwu District, Nanjing
